ImmunizeTN is organized for the purpose of ensuring all Tennesseans benefit from the protections provided by immunizations. Our vision is a healthy, thriving Tennessee free of vaccine-preventable diseases. We provide a forum for collaboration and coordination between ImmunizeTN members, vaccination stakeholders, and other community partners in order to increase vaccine literacy, build vaccine confidence, and improve vaccination rates in our state.

JOIN as a member and INVITE like-minded friends and colleagues to join as well. Click the image to apply online. Note: In order to maintain a Coalition that is free from conflict of interest, individuals representing pharmaceutical manufacturers are excluded from membership in ImmunizeTN.

FOLLOW and SHARE! Visit us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Share our posts on your feed. #ImmunizeTN

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ATTEND an event, webinar, or meeting. You are invited to educational and action-oriented events from ImmunizeTN and our Friends & Professional Partners. Make sure to note whether an event is members-only or an open invitation. Click the image to see upcoming events or to submit an event for review.